After much consideration, and in light of the devastation currently still going on in the Los Angeles area with multiple wildfires, we have decided that it is best to postpone the 22nd Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards on January 17, 2025 to a later date this Spring.

First Post

October 05, 2015

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce consectetur neque eu massa pulvinar, vel efficitur urna elementum. Quisque sed orci at urna sagittis iaculis. In vel risus metus. Aenean at lacus ipsum. Aenean eu ligula lobortis augue congue consequat et ac neque. Phasellus mi nisi, auctor eu neque a, dapibus blandit risus. Integer fringilla sollicitudin ligula vitae malesuada.

Vivamus aliquam venenatis orci, sed tincidunt eros posuere vel. Aenean ut metus massa. Nullam eu massa posuere, facilisis nunc ut, accumsan leo. Donec dictum neque sit amet urna luctus, eget mollis lorem maximus. Donec volutpat tincidunt ipsum. Praesent vitae cursus arcu. Mauris aliquam commodo erat, et dapibus libero ultricies ut. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In imperdiet diam a purus sodales pulvinar. Aliquam eget purus lacus. Aliquam vel justo quam.

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